Whose Life is This Anyway?!
Making Your Life Your Story


Not sure where to start on what you want to do next?


Got dreams, and ready to stop just thinking about them?


Tired of just being kinda “blah” about life?

Get ready for a guided workbook specifically designed with you in mind… YourLife is YourStory, and YOU get to decide how that story is written every day with your words, thoughts & actions. This workbook isn’t about you just reading what makes other people’s story interesting, it helps you cut through all of your distractions till you find (and write out) your very own, personal story that will make you smile.

Once your story is crystal clear, this part journal, part workbook then guides you to designing what steps excite you most to start living this story today.

Because every story needs to be revised from time to time, the book gives you the opportunity (and space) to review your story four times, and make revisions as you see fit. Doesn’t matter if you want to focus on the next 3 months, or the next 10 years, this workbook can help you start living your dreams today.

Don’t just take our word for it…

“Unlike other goal-setting tools that left me with just a plan, this workbook left me inspired, motivated, and excited about what's next for my life.



“I really enjoyed how specific, simple, and conversational each section was.”



“A must have workbook for readers looking to take a proactive approach to driving positive change in their life.”



“…what I love about this book is that it encourages me to celebrate my accomplishments (which is a HUGE qualifier), challenges me to think critically - bigger even - about what I REALLY want, and guides me through the process of crafting what my future self will actually look like.”



“…makes going through the process of deliberate life-design engaging, fun, and extremely rewarding.